Monday, September 24, 2007

Bheema Music - Review

Its been a long time since we had a Vikram movie on Screen....His long awaited sensation, "Bheema" is gonna be out of shelf very soon...
The music of the album is already out and is supposed to be rocking the city already...
Though the songs are good, we can easily smell the spice of Harris in it....Its high time Harris starts providing some variations in his compositions...

The pick of the album is

Ragasiya Kanavugal sung by Madhushree and Hariharan....The Music in the song is real soothing and its little different from what generally Harris offers....

Following it in the line is Enadhuyirae sung byChinmayee, Sadhana Sargam, Sowmya Raoh, Nikhil Mathew
Incidentally, Nikhil is the winner of Airtel super Singer in Vijay TV. He has got his oppurtunity to sing in Harris album as promised.

Other songs are pleasing to hear but not so adorable....Lets wait and see if the movie is a real cracker for Diwali...


Anonymous said...

Magesh, I happened to read your earlier blog on your delayed flight trip to India. Sorry for asking it here, but hope you can help as this is urgent situation for friends and family. Same situation as yours- hav to travel on an expired visa from east coast(Atlanta) to Chennai. Do you know of any short routes (thru Europe is preferable, if not atleast thru Singapore which will b elonger) that have direct flights so that we dont have to get visas? Is our only route Atlanta-Chicago-Delhi-Chennai? Or is there anything shorter?Also, which airlines would you recommend for these flights since there are more than 2 stops. More than cost, service/reliability is important.

Thanks. Hope you can help. Anyomne else here who reads this can also chip in, if you have info

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

dei ennada mudhal mazhai song pathi onnumae sollala???

Vignesh said...

How could you miss mudhal mudhal...

AMIT said...

Nice review written.

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